Top 10 Symptoms of Stage 2 Colorectal Cancer: Vital Insights into a Silent Predator

6. Feeling that the Bowel Doesn’t Empty Completely: The Lingering Sensation

Feeling that the Bowel Doesn't Empty Completely The Lingering Sensation

It’s a sensation many have felt but few discuss – the feeling post a bowel movement that there’s still something left behind. While occasional instances might not raise eyebrows, consistent feelings of incomplete bowel emptying can be indicative of an underlying issue.

Inside our colorectal system, there’s a delicate balance of muscles and nerves working in harmony to ensure waste is expelled efficiently. When a tumor starts forming, it can obstruct this pathway, causing the sensation that not everything has been expelled. This feeling can be both physically uncomfortable and mentally distressing.

The presence of a tumor can distort the colon’s natural shape and function. The body, sensing this obstruction, might signal the brain that the evacuation wasn’t complete. It’s not just about physical discomfort; it’s a message from within, signaling a possible intruder.

Apart from the sensation, this symptom can also lead to increased frequency of bowel movements as individuals might repeatedly try to relieve themselves. The repeated strain, combined with the consistent sensation, can take a toll on one’s mental well-being.(6)

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