7. Jaundice: The Yellowing Alarm

Jaundice, characterized by a distinct yellowing of the skin and eyes, is a telltale sign that something is awry with the liver. In the context of stage 4 colorectal cancer, jaundice might suggest that the cancer has spread to the liver—a common site for colorectal cancer metastasis.
Initially, jaundice might present subtly. Maybe you notice a slight yellow tinge in the whites of your eyes or feel your skin looking more sallow than usual. However, as bilirubin—a pigment produced during the breakdown of red blood cells—accumulates in the bloodstream, the yellowing becomes more pronounced.
Beyond the evident discoloration, jaundice can usher in a slew of other symptoms. There’s itching, caused by the buildup of bile products in the skin, and darker urine, due to the excess bilirubin being processed by the kidneys.
But the implications run deeper. A liver compromised by metastatic cancer cells isn’t as effective in its myriad functions—from detoxification to digestion. And when liver functionality diminishes, overall health is at stake. (7)