Top 11 Carpal Tunnel Symptoms: Recognizing the Signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Symptom 4. Swelling or Inflammation in the Wrist

Symptom 4. Swelling or Inflammation in the Wrist

Swelling or inflammation in the wrist area can be another sign of CTS. This symptom may be more evident in the later stages of the condition, as the median nerve becomes more compressed and irritated.

The swelling may be accompanied by redness or warmth in the wrist area. In some cases, it can make it difficult to move the wrist or flex the fingers. This discomfort can be particularly noticeable during activities that require wrist flexion or extension, like typing or lifting objects.

If you notice any signs of swelling or inflammation in your wrist, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional. They can help determine if it’s related to CTS or another underlying condition that requires treatment.

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