Medication 9: Safinamide: Enhancing Levodopa Action

Safinamide (Xadago) is a dual-action medication that combines the properties of both MAO-B inhibitors and dopamine release modulators. By inhibiting the MAO-B enzyme and modulating dopamine release, safinamide helps to maintain higher dopamine levels in the brain, providing relief from Parkinson’s symptoms.
Safinamide is typically prescribed as an add-on treatment for patients taking levodopa and carbidopa, particularly for those experiencing “wearing-off” periods or motor fluctuations. By enhancing the action of levodopa, safinamide can help to extend the duration of symptom relief and improve overall motor function.
Common side effects of safinamide include dizziness, sleep disturbances, and nausea. As with other Parkinson’s medications, healthcare providers will closely monitor patients taking safinamide and adjust dosages to optimize symptom relief while minimizing side effects. (9)