Top 5 Causes of Diverticulitis (Colonic Diverticulitis): Delving Deep into the Details

Cause 4: The Weight of Obesity

The Weight of Obesity

The global obesity epidemic is not news. What might be less known is the link between obesity and diverticulitis. Carrying excess weight, especially around the abdominal region, amplifies the risks associated with this condition.

Obesity doesn’t operate in isolation. It’s intertwined with various health conditions, diverticulitis being one of them. The increased abdominal pressure in obese individuals exerts additional strain on the colon, making it more susceptible to diverticula formation. Moreover, obesity often goes hand in hand with other risk factors, such as a low-fiber diet and a sedentary lifestyle, creating a perfect storm for diverticulitis.

But it’s not just about the numbers on a scale. The type of body fat and its distribution play a pivotal role. Visceral fat, which wraps around abdominal organs, is metabolically active and can trigger inflammation, potentially exacerbating conditions like diverticulitis. (4)

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