Symptom 2: Widespread Skin Redness

As TEN progresses, widespread skin redness becomes a prominent feature of the condition. The redness typically starts as a mild rash and may initially be mistaken for sunburn or an allergic reaction. However, it soon escalates and begins to affect larger areas of the body, signaling the potential onset of TEN.
The redness associated with TEN is caused by the destruction of the top layer of the skin, known as the epidermis. This damage results in the skin becoming tender and sensitive to touch. In some cases, the affected areas may also feel warm or even hot to the touch, further exacerbating the discomfort experienced by those with TEN.
As the redness spreads, it tends to follow a symmetrical pattern, affecting both sides of the body equally. Common areas where the redness may appear include the face, neck, chest, and extremities. It’s important to be vigilant for any changes in skin appearance, especially if a high fever is also present.
The progression of skin redness in TEN can be rapid, often occurring within hours or days. If you notice sudden and widespread skin redness accompanied by other symptoms of TEN, seek medical help immediately, as early intervention is crucial in minimizing the severity of the condition and improving the chances of a positive outcome. (2)