Trust Your Gut: 10 Symptoms of Tubulovillous Adenoma to Be Aware Of

10. Intermittent Diarrhea: The Unpredictable Flux

Intermittent Diarrhea The Unpredictable Flux

Diarrhea is generally regarded as a nuisance that disrupts daily activities, but when it comes in unpredictable episodes, it may point to a tubulovillous adenoma. This isn’t just about frequent trips to the bathroom; it’s an indicator that your gastrointestinal tract is in turmoil.

Here’s an interesting angle: the diarrhea might not be watery or loose in the conventional sense. Sometimes, it’s just an increase in the frequency of bowel movements with a softer consistency. This could be because the adenoma is affecting water reabsorption in the colon, resulting in stool that is softer than usual.

And then there’s the role of peristalsis, the rhythmic contractions that move food through the digestive system. An adenoma could accelerate these contractions, leaving less time for water to be absorbed from the stool, resulting in diarrhea. Imagine it as a conveyor belt moving too quickly, not giving items—i.e., your food—enough time to properly process. (10)

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