Trust Your Gut: 10 Symptoms of Tubulovillous Adenoma to Be Aware Of

9. Sudden Onset Constipation: The Silent Struggle

Sudden Onset Constipation The Silent Struggle

Suddenly finding yourself unable to ‘go’ is not just inconvenient; it might be a symptom of a tubulovillous adenoma. Constipation is often shrugged off as a side effect of diet or stress, but when it occurs abruptly and persists, it merits closer attention.

What’s fascinating here is that constipation can manifest as both an absence of bowel movements and a change in the form of the stool itself. The adenoma might cause narrowing of the intestinal lumen, making it harder for stool to pass through. This results in smaller, harder fecal matter, adding another dimension to constipation beyond frequency.

Stool consistency isn’t the only thing that changes. The adenoma may disrupt the gut microbiome, which can indirectly affect stool formation. Gut bacteria play a critical role in breaking down certain fibers, and a change in this microbial environment could make constipation worse.

The act of defecation involves a complex coordination of muscle contractions and relaxations. An adenoma could interfere with this sequence, making it not only difficult to initiate a bowel movement but also to complete it. This might result in a feeling of incomplete evacuation, another layer to this symptom. (9)

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