14. Increased Sensitivity to Cold – The Chill Within
For individuals with Addison’s, the cold can be more biting, more penetrating. They might feel a chill that others do not, a sensitivity to cold stemming from their condition. It’s not just a dislike for winter; it’s the body’s response to an impaired ability to regulate temperature.
The adrenal glands play a role in thermoregulation, and when their function is compromised, so too is the body’s ability to maintain a consistent internal temperature. Patients may find themselves layering clothing even in mild weather or seeking warmth in the midst of summer.
This increased cold sensitivity can seem puzzling to those not familiar with Addison’s, but it’s a reality that patients learn to prepare for and manage with lifestyle adaptations.
Healthcare providers might suggest strategies to help cope with this sensitivity, ensuring that patients can maintain their comfort despite their body’s heightened response to cold. (14)