Fact 2: The Different Forms of Aggression

Aggression in dementia isn’t limited to physical outbursts. It can manifest in several ways, including verbal aggression, physical aggression, and emotional aggression. Understanding the different forms of aggression can help caregivers manage their loved one’s symptoms more effectively.
Verbal aggression might involve yelling, insults, or threats. The individual with dementia may say hurtful things they wouldn’t normally say, which can be extremely distressing for loved ones. It’s critical to remember that these comments are a symptom of the disease and not a reflection of the person’s feelings.
Physical aggression can involve hitting, pushing, or even throwing objects. This form of aggression can be challenging to manage and may pose safety risks to both the individual with dementia and their caregivers. It’s essential to ensure a safe environment that minimizes the potential for harm.
Emotional aggression might involve refusal to cooperate, sulking, or displaying hostility. This form of aggression can be hard to deal with, as it can create a tense and stressful environment. However, maintaining a calm demeanor and providing reassurances can go a long way in defusing such situations. (2)