Understanding Amyloidosis: Top 20 Symptoms You Should Know

Symptom 15. Kidney Dysfunction: The Renal Ramifications of Amyloidosis

Kidney Dysfunction The Renal Ramifications of Amyloidosis

Amyloidosis sneaks into the engine room of your body, the kidneys, causing their performance to plummet. It’s as if your body’s waste disposal system has been disrupted, leading to a build-up of toxins and fluid imbalances.

When the amyloid proteins deposit in the kidney tissues, they create a kind of protein traffic jam. Picture your kidneys as a state-of-the-art filtration plant, continuously working to remove waste products from your blood. But the amyloid protein deposits clog up this filtering system, making it less efficient.

The effects of this dysfunction can initially be silent. However, as the damage progresses, signs of trouble begin to emerge. You might notice changes in urination, such as an increased frequency or foamy urine, similar to the froth on a cappuccino – this is a manifestation of proteinuria (excess protein in the urine). You may also experience swelling in your legs, ankles, and feet, a visual sign of fluid retention caused by decreased kidney function.

But the fallout of this kidney dysfunction isn’t limited to these physical signs. It can lead to a host of complications, from anemia to high blood pressure, even escalating to kidney failure. It’s as if the gears of your body’s filtration machinery are grinding to a halt, disrupting the delicate balance of your body’s internal environment.

Yet, this kidney dysfunction isn’t an isolated problem. It’s a visible sign of the invisible enemy, Amyloidosis, highlighting the far-reaching consequences of this disease. (15)

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