Symptom 7. Unexplained Weight Loss: The Mysterious Metabolic Impact of Amyloidosis

Amyloidosis has a peculiar way of manifesting itself through an unexpected decrease in body weight. It’s a scenario where the scale begins to tip backward without any noticeable change in your diet or exercise routine. Think of it as your body unknowingly entering a state of caloric deficit, a situation driven not by your actions but by the undercover operations of Amyloidosis.
Firstly, you need to understand the backdrop against which this drama unfolds. Every bodily function, from the beating of your heart to the firing of your neurons, requires energy. This energy comes from the food we eat, which is broken down and converted into a usable form. But with Amyloidosis, it’s as if your body is being charged a higher energy tariff. The usual metabolic processes are disrupted, and your body finds itself having to work harder, burning more energy.
The process can be compared to driving with your car’s emergency brake engaged. Your body needs to exert more effort, burning more fuel for the same activities. This could lead to an increase in appetite initially, as your body tries to meet its increased energy demands. However, as the disease progresses and starts to affect your digestive system, your ability to process food and absorb nutrients becomes compromised.
Now, imagine this. You’re burning more fuel, but your fuel supply is compromised. Your body, in a desperate attempt to keep its operations running, starts to tap into its reserves. It begins to break down stored fats and proteins to meet its energy demands, a state of survival mode that results in weight loss.
This unexplained weight loss is more than just a decrease in numbers on the scale. It’s your body crying out for help, a desperate plea for energy in its fight against Amyloidosis. It’s a physical manifestation of the silent yet destructive metabolic impact of this disease, a glaring sign of the turmoil within. (7)