Fact 2: Early Indicators – Spotting the Signs

Children with AS are often akin to puzzles, intricate and layered. Their behaviors, while sometimes distinct, aren’t always obvious. Observant parents and caregivers might notice these subtleties early on, with signs manifesting as young as toddlerhood.
Social interactions are often the first challenge. While their peers might engage in play, sharing toys, or mimicking actions, children with AS may remain distant. It’s not out of disinterest but rather an uncertainty of how to engage. They might not respond to their name being called, not out of defiance, but due to processing delays.
Facial expressions, a universal language for most, can be cryptic for them. They might not grasp the differences between a smile of encouragement and a smirk of sarcasm. This can lead to misunderstandings, but it’s essential to recognize it’s not willful ignorance. Their brain is wired differently, making some of these nuances hard to decipher.
Language development, while not necessarily delayed, can have its quirks. They might parrot phrases without understanding their context. Or they could delve deep into a topic of interest, discussing it with a passion that can seem intense for their age. (2)