Symptom 6: Frequent Nosebleeds

Frequent nosebleeds, or epistaxis, are a troubling symptom for many individuals with atrophic rhinitis. The thinning of the nasal mucosa and the presence of dry, hard crusts make the nasal lining more susceptible to bleeding, even with minor trauma or irritation. These nosebleeds can range from minor to severe and may occur spontaneously or as a result of attempting to clear the nose.
The experience of frequent nosebleeds can be distressing and inconvenient, impacting daily activities and causing anxiety about sudden bleeding episodes. In severe cases, frequent nosebleeds may lead to significant blood loss, necessitating medical attention.
Managing frequent nosebleeds involves careful nasal care to prevent trauma to the delicate nasal tissues. This includes gentle nasal irrigation to soften crusts and reduce the need for forceful nose blowing. The use of nasal emollients can also help in keeping the nasal lining moist and less prone to bleeding.
In cases where nosebleeds are frequent or severe, medical evaluation is important to rule out other underlying causes and to determine the most appropriate treatment. This may include cauterization of bleeding vessels or other medical interventions to control the nosebleeds.
For individuals with atrophic rhinitis, understanding the causes and management of frequent nosebleeds is essential. Through appropriate nasal care and medical intervention, the frequency and severity of nosebleeds can be significantly reduced, improving comfort and reducing anxiety associated with this symptom. (6)