Symptom 10: Weakness or Paralysis
The last symptom on our list, but certainly not the least significant, is weakness or paralysis. A brain abscess can affect the motor pathways within the brain, leading to physical symptoms like weakness or paralysis.
Weakness could manifest as a generalized feeling of fatigue or as muscle weakness in specific parts of the body. The person might find it challenging to perform routine activities like climbing stairs or carrying groceries due to this weakness.
Paralysis, on the other hand, represents a more severe form of motor disruption. This could range from mild weakness in a specific part of the body to complete loss of muscle function. In extreme cases, it could lead to an inability to move the affected body part altogether.
Just like the other symptoms, the location of the abscess can influence the manifestation of this symptom. For instance, if the abscess is in the brain’s right hemisphere, the weakness or paralysis will affect the body’s left side and vice versa. (10)