Symptom 2. Sudden Loss of Balance or Coordination – The Unforeseen Sign

Another critical symptom pointing towards cerebrovascular disease is the sudden loss of balance or coordination. This symptom might not seem as intense as a severe headache, but it’s no less significant. A sudden change in balance or coordination can indicate a potentially serious cerebrovascular event, warranting immediate attention.
The loss of balance or coordination can manifest in a multitude of ways. For instance, individuals might find themselves stumbling unexpectedly.
Others may find it challenging to walk in a straight line, veering off course despite their best efforts. Sudden uncoordination in movements, another manifestation, can disrupt normal activities, highlighting the problem’s significance.
But why does this loss of balance occur in cerebrovascular disease? The answer lies in the fact that the cerebellum, the brain’s area responsible for motor movements and balance, can be affected by decreased blood flow. When the cerebellum doesn’t receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen due to reduced blood flow, it can result in balance and coordination issues. (2)