Understanding Diabetic Nephropathy: Identifying and Managing Top 10 Symptoms

4. Blood in the Urine: Noticing the Red Flags

Blood in the Urine Noticing the Red Flags

Blood in the urine, or hematuria, is another symptom that should not be overlooked. The appearance of blood might be visible to the naked eye or detectable only through a urine test. Either way, it’s a clear signal that something is amiss with the kidneys.

The presence of blood might be sporadic, appearing one day and absent the next. However, even intermittent occurrences warrant medical attention. The urine might appear pink, red, or brown, and this discoloration can be alarming.

It’s vital to understand that while blood in the urine can be a symptom of diabetic nephropathy, it can also indicate other kidney issues or urinary tract infections. A thorough medical evaluation is necessary to determine the cause and initiate appropriate treatment.

Addressing this symptom promptly can contribute to better management of diabetic nephropathy and prevention of further kidney damage. It’s a step towards safeguarding one’s kidney health and maintaining overall well-being. (4)

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