Understanding Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC): Key Symptoms Explored

10. Altered Mental Status – A Critical Concern

Altered Mental Status - A Critical Concern

An altered mental status, including confusion or decreased alertness, can be a grave symptom in DIC. It indicates a potential impact on brain function and requires urgent attention.

These changes can be due to various factors, such as reduced blood flow to the brain, microclots, or the effects of other organ dysfunctions like liver or kidney impairment.

Altered mental status in DIC is a critical symptom. It can indicate severe complications and is often a sign that the condition is progressing rapidly.

Management involves careful monitoring and treatment of the underlying causes. This may include ensuring adequate oxygenation and blood flow to the brain, along with addressing any organ dysfunctions contributing to the altered mental status. (10)

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