10. Speech and Swallowing Difficulties: The Communication Challenge of DCP

The final symptom we will discuss is difficulties with speech and swallowing, also known as dysarthria and dysphagia respectively. These challenges are due to the impact of DCP on the muscles involved in these processes.
For speech, this might mean that an individual’s speech is slurred, slow, or difficult to understand. They may struggle to control their breath, articulate words clearly, or modulate their pitch and volume. This can make communication challenging, leading to frustration and potentially impacting social interactions and academic performance.
Swallowing difficulties can range from mild discomfort or inefficiency when swallowing to severe issues that can cause choking or aspiration (when food or drink enters the lungs). This can impact an individual’s ability to eat and drink safely and efficiently and can also affect their nutritional status and overall health.
Speech and language therapists can provide valuable interventions for both speech and swallowing difficulties. For speech, this might include exercises to improve breath control, articulation, and voice modulation. For swallowing, strategies might include changes to food and liquid textures, modifications to positioning or utensils, or exercises to improve swallowing safety and efficiency. (10)