10. Feeling of Skin Tightness: An Understated Sign

The last symptom on our list, but certainly not the least significant, is the feeling of skin tightness. This is a more subtle symptom and can easily be overlooked. However, it is a direct result of the changes occurring in the skin due to EMPD and serves as a valuable diagnostic indicator.
As EMPD progresses, the skin’s texture and elasticity can change, leading to a sensation of tightness or rigidity in the affected area. This symptom often accompanies skin thickening and scaling, offering a tactile aspect to the physical changes happening within the skin.
The feeling of skin tightness can be particularly prominent when the skin is stretched or moved, such as during physical activity or specific body movements. For example, women with EMPD under the breasts might notice this symptom more acutely when moving their upper body or while undressing.
Despite being a less talked about symptom, the feeling of skin tightness can impact patients’ comfort and body perception. It’s a constant reminder of the changes happening within their skin, potentially leading to emotional distress.
Moreover, skin tightness can also hint at the disease’s progression. An increase in tightness or the spread of this sensation to surrounding areas might indicate that the disease is advancing, emphasizing the need for ongoing medical follow-up.(10)