3. Thickening of the Skin: A Marked Change

The progression of EMPD brings with it a noticeable change in the physical state of the skin. As the disease progresses, patients may notice a thickening of the skin in the affected areas, a symptom often associated with the growth of the underlying tumor.
This thickening is not just a cosmetic concern; it’s a physical manifestation of the changes occurring beneath the skin’s surface. As the EMPD cells grow and multiply, they can cause the overlying skin to thicken and change its texture.
Patients may notice that the skin in the affected area begins to feel rough or uneven. The skin might also appear slightly raised compared to the surrounding areas.
It’s not uncommon for these changes to be accompanied by changes in skin color. The thickened skin may become darker or lighter, and these changes can vary among different individuals.
The occurrence of this symptom highlights a critical stage in the disease’s progression. Thickening of the skin often indicates that the EMPD cells have grown to a size where they’re causing noticeable changes to the skin’s appearance. This underscores the need for prompt diagnosis and treatment to prevent further progression of the disease.
Thickened skin due to EMPD can also make it uncomfortable for patients to wear certain types of clothing. This symptom can affect the patient’s quality of life and add to the physical discomfort already caused by skin redness and itchiness. It’s another reminder of how important it is to seek medical attention when these symptoms persist.
Recognizing skin thickening and understanding its implications in the context of EMPD is vital. This symptom is a clear indicator that the disease has progressed beyond the initial stages, making it a crucial symptom to look out for. (3)