Symptom 2: Pain During Bowel Movements – The Silent Suffering

For a child, articulating discomfort can sometimes be challenging. When children experience pain during bowel movements, they might not always communicate it directly. Instead, behavioral changes, such as reluctance to use the bathroom or evident discomfort while seated on the toilet, can be telltale signs.
This pain arises due to the inflammation and irritation of the hemorrhoids, especially when stools pass over them. For children, the sensation can be intimidating, leading them to suppress the urge to defecate, which unfortunately exacerbates the condition.
Parents or caregivers need to be observant. Prolonged toilet sessions, grimaces, or even tears can be indicative of the silent suffering they’re enduring. Addressing this symptom early can prevent the child from developing a fear or aversion towards bowel movements, which can have long-term implications.
Dietary changes, introducing more fiber-rich foods, ensuring adequate fluid intake, and using stool softeners can alleviate the pain. The primary goal is to make bowel movements smoother and less painful, thereby eliminating the dread associated with them. While pain during bowel movements might be discreet, it’s a significant symptom of hemorrhoids in children. Proactive measures and a keen eye can mitigate the child’s suffering, making their daily routines less distressing. (2)