Understanding Hemorrhoids in Children: The 10 Symptoms You Need to Know

Symptom 5: Hard Lumps Near the Anus – A Distinct Form

Hard Lumps Near the Anus - A Distinct Form

Upon observation, parents might sometimes notice hard, tender lumps near their child’s anus. Unlike the regular swollen hemorrhoids, these lumps have a distinctive appearance and texture. They are often blue or purple, indicating trapped blood. These are thrombosed hemorrhoids, a severe form of external hemorrhoids where blood pools and clots within.

The onset of thrombosed hemorrhoids can be swift and alarming. The child might wake up one day with a painful lump that wasn’t there the night before. This sudden appearance can be unsettling, making it imperative for parents to understand the nature of this condition and the relief options available.

Pain remains the most pronounced symptom of thrombosed hemorrhoids in children. The lump is acutely sensitive, making daily activities like sitting, walking, or even lying down in certain positions, a challenge. The discomfort can be so intense that it might impact their sleep patterns or overall mood, leading to irritability or even behavioral changes.

Though alarming, thrombosed hemorrhoids are treatable. Immediate remedies, such as cold compresses, can provide temporary relief by reducing swelling. Over-the-counter pain relievers might also be considered under a pediatrician’s guidance. However, in some cases, especially if the pain is unbearable, a medical procedure to remove the clot might be necessary.(5)

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