Understanding Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: A Deep Dive into the Two Types

2. Nodular Lymphocyte-Predominant Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NLPHL) – Delving into the Rare Variant

Nodular Lymphocyte-Predominant Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NLPHL) - Delving into the Rare Variant

Nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NLPHL) represents about 5% of all Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases, establishing it as the rarer form. Despite its rarity, understanding NLPHL is just as important as its classical counterpart, particularly due to its distinct characteristics and behavior.

NLPHL differs significantly from cHL, starting with the type of cells involved. Instead of Reed-Sternberg cells, the malignant cells in NLPHL are known as “popcorn cells” or LP cells. These cells are generally smaller than Reed-Sternberg cells and have a different cellular makeup.

This type of HL often presents in a single lymph node, commonly in the neck or underarm. It tends to progress slower than cHL, making it easier to treat when detected early. Symptoms of NLPHL can overlap with those of cHL, making the two types difficult to distinguish clinically. (2)

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