3. Changes in Behavior and Personality: A Profound Impact of Juvenile Huntington’s Disease

An often-overlooked facet of Juvenile Huntington’s Disease is the significant alterations in behavior and personality that affected children can display. These changes are not only distressing for the child but can also place an emotional burden on their family, who may struggle to understand and adapt to the shifts in their loved one’s temperament.
In children with JHD, this disease can trigger mood swings, irritability, and impulsiveness, disrupting their usual behavior patterns. Children may become more aggressive or react in ways that are completely out of character for them. For instance, a usually quiet and reserved child may start to act out and display belligerent behavior, causing confusion and worry amongst their family members.
Aside from the obvious behavioral changes, JHD can also alter a child’s personality. This might be expressed as increasing social withdrawal or a marked decrease in interest in activities that the child once enjoyed. The child might also exhibit symptoms of depression and anxiety, further complicating the diagnosis and management of JHD. (3)