Symptom 10: Seizures or Loss of Consciousness

Seizures or loss of consciousness are among the most severe symptoms of hypoglycemia and require immediate medical attention. These symptoms occur when blood sugar levels become dangerously low, impacting brain function to a critical extent.
Seizures or a loss of consciousness in hypoglycemia result from the brain being deprived of glucose, its primary energy source. When the brain cannot get enough glucose, it can lead to a malfunction in the electrical activity of the brain, resulting in seizures. Similarly, a severe drop in blood sugar can cause a loss of consciousness, as the brain is unable to function properly.
Symptoms leading up to seizures or loss of consciousness can include confusion, unusual behavior, extreme fatigue, and physical weakness. Recognizing these symptoms as signs of severe hypoglycemia is crucial for preventing a more serious outcome.
If someone with hypoglycemia experiences a seizure or loses consciousness, it’s critical to seek emergency medical help immediately. While waiting for help, ensure the person’s safety by moving them away from harmful objects and placing them in a recovery position to keep the airway open.
Preventing such severe episodes involves careful and consistent management of blood sugar levels. Individuals at risk should regularly monitor their glucose levels, especially if they have a history of severe hypoglycemia. Wearing a medical alert bracelet and educating friends, family, and coworkers about how to respond in case of an emergency can also be life-saving measures. (10)