Symptom 7: Mood Swings and Irritability

Mood swings and irritability are psychological symptoms of hypoglycemia that can be as disruptive as physical symptoms. People experiencing low blood sugar may find themselves suddenly feeling irritable, anxious, or moody without a clear reason. Understanding the connection between these emotional changes and hypoglycemia is crucial for effective management.
The brain relies heavily on a steady supply of glucose to function properly. When blood sugar levels drop, the brain’s ability to regulate emotions can be compromised, leading to mood swings and irritability. These emotional responses are not just psychological but are physiological reactions to low glucose levels.
Mood swings related to hypoglycemia can come on suddenly and may seem out of character. These can include sudden bouts of irritability, anxiety, sadness, or frustration. Recognizing these as potential signs of hypoglycemia is important, especially if they occur in conjunction with other symptoms like shakiness or hunger.
When experiencing mood swings or irritability, it’s beneficial to check your blood sugar levels. If they are low, consuming a source of quick-acting sugar can help. It’s also helpful to explain to those around you that your mood changes may be due to low blood sugar, which can foster understanding and support.
Managing blood sugar levels effectively is key to avoiding mood swings and irritability associated with hypoglycemia. This involves eating regular, balanced meals and snacks, monitoring blood sugar levels, and understanding how different foods and activities affect your mood. Additionally, stress management techniques can also help in mitigating these emotional symptoms. (7)