Symptom 12. Lack of Initiative – The Missing Drive
In the landscape of Korsakoff Syndrome, a prevalent symptom is the notable lack of initiative. This symptom presents as a noticeable absence of personal drive or motivation that was once there, a missing element that can transform a once-active individual into a passive bystander in their own life. It’s a change that isn’t just challenging for the individual experiencing it, but also for their loved ones and caregivers.
People with KS may become unusually passive, often waiting for direction before performing tasks they would have once undertaken independently. This symptom can permeate all aspects of life, from significant decisions to mundane daily tasks. This diminished initiative can make it challenging for individuals with KS to start or complete tasks without prompts or reminders.
This lack of initiative isn’t born out of laziness or stubbornness but rather is a manifestation of the brain changes brought on by KS. Brain regions responsible for planning, initiating, and carrying out tasks can be affected, leading to this decreased drive. It can make accomplishing routine tasks like eating, dressing, or engaging in previously enjoyable activities feel daunting or even insurmountable.(12)