Symptom 9. Hair Loss and Brittle Nails: The Impact of Megaloblastic Anemia on Hair and Nail Health

Hair loss and brittle nails are not uncommon in individuals suffering from megaloblastic anemia. The growth and strength of hair and nails are closely linked to the body’s nutritional status. Deficiencies of key nutrients, like those seen in megaloblastic anemia, can disrupt these growth processes.
Hair loss may occur gradually, with individuals noticing more hair than usual on their pillow, in the shower drain, or on their hairbrush. Similarly, nails may become weak, brittle, and prone to breakage. In severe cases, they may also become ridged or spoon-shaped.
The physical changes associated with hair loss and brittle nails can be distressing. They can affect a person’s self-esteem and may cause anxiety or depression, especially if the changes are noticeable to others. (9)