7. Sleepiness or Difficulty Waking Up – A Disruptive Symptom

Meningoencephalitis often disrupts the normal sleep-wake cycle, resulting in excessive sleepiness or difficulty waking up. The infection and inflammation in the brain can impact the regions responsible for maintaining alertness and wakefulness, leading to these symptoms.
Patients may find it hard to stay awake, even during the day. When they do sleep, it might be difficult to rouse them. Unlike general fatigue or tiredness, the sleepiness associated with meningoencephalitis is profound and persistent.
Changes in sleep patterns shouldn’t be dismissed as merely signs of stress or exhaustion. If a person is persistently sleepy, hard to wake, or both, particularly in conjunction with other symptoms such as fever, headache, and neck stiffness, it could be a sign of meningoencephalitis.
As with all other symptoms, recognizing and responding to these sleep disturbances can make a significant difference in diagnosis and treatment. It’s essential to seek immediate medical consultation if such symptoms are observed. (7)