Symptom 9: Musculoskeletal Dysfunction – The Often Overlooked Sign of MODS
When MODS is in full swing, it can often involve the musculoskeletal system, presenting as musculoskeletal dysfunction. It’s a subtler indication, often overlooked, but it carries serious implications for patients grappling with MODS.
Initially, musculoskeletal dysfunction might present as generalized weakness or fatigue. These are common symptoms, but in the context of MODS, they hint at a more extensive systemic issue. The muscle weakness can stem from the body’s response to inflammation and infection, and it might be further exacerbated by bed rest or sedation in critically ill patients.
As MODS progresses, the muscle weakness can intensify and turn into a condition known as critical illness myopathy. This myopathy can result in profound weakness, significantly affecting a patient’s ability to move or even breathe on their own. It’s noteworthy that critical illness myopathy isn’t just a temporary setback but can leave lasting damage, affecting a patient’s long-term recovery.
Another musculoskeletal feature in MODS is the presence of joint pain or arthralgia. Arthralgia might not seem as severe as other MODS symptoms, but it can significantly impact a patient’s comfort and quality of life. (9)