Symptom 6: Hair Loss: The Unseen Consequence of Neurodermatitis
Continuing our journey through the landscape of neurodermatitis symptoms, we encounter an often unseen consequence: hair loss. Appearing in the wake of the persistent itch, skin transformation, raised rough patches, skin redness, and dry, scaly skin, hair loss paints another piece of the neurodermatitis picture.
In areas affected by neurodermatitis, hair loss can be an unexpected side effect. This symptom typically occurs when the scalp becomes involved in the condition. It’s not the disease per se causing the hair to fall out, but rather the scratching and rubbing associated with the itch.
This constant tugging and pulling can lead to a form of hair loss known as traction alopecia. It’s a condition characterized by gradual hair loss, primarily caused by pulling force applied to the hair. Thus, repeated scratching and rubbing of the scalp due to the incessant itch of neurodermatitis can lead to hair loss.
But it’s not just the physical trauma contributing to hair loss. The inflammation and changes in the skin texture, which accompany neurodermatitis, can disrupt the normal growth cycle of hair, leading to weakened hair follicles and subsequent hair loss.(6)