12. The Role of Diet in PCOS Management
The role of diet in PCOS is multifaceted, influencing insulin levels, weight management, and hormone balance. There’s no one-size-fits-all diet for PCOS, but a focus on whole, unprocessed foods that stabilize blood sugar levels is often beneficial.
Specific diets, such as the Mediterranean, low-glycemic, or anti-inflammatory diets, may have beneficial effects on PCOS symptoms. The choice of diet can depend on individual preferences, lifestyle, and specific health goals, often crafted with the help of a registered dietitian.
Food sensitivities and intolerances can exacerbate PCOS symptoms for some individuals. An elimination diet, followed by a careful reintroduction of foods, can help in identifying any specific triggers that may be contributing to symptom severity.
Adopting a healthy diet is not a temporary fix but a long-term lifestyle change that can dramatically influence the course of PCOS. Consistency and commitment to a balanced diet are keys to managing PCOS effectively over a lifetime. (12)