5. Night Sweats: Sleepless Nights due to Excessive Sweating
Night sweats, or excessive sweating during sleep, can be a distressing symptom experienced by some individuals with PV. This symptom can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insomnia and affecting overall well-being.
Night sweats in PV patients can be attributed to the body’s attempt to regulate its temperature in response to the increased blood viscosity and blood flow. The excessive sweating can be the body’s way of cooling itself down, as it struggles to maintain a stable internal temperature.
In some cases, night sweats may also be linked to other underlying health conditions or side effects of medications used to treat PV. It is essential to discuss this symptom with a healthcare professional to identify the cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.
Managing night sweats in PV patients may involve lifestyle modifications, such as using moisture-wicking bed linens, maintaining a cool and comfortable sleeping environment, and wearing breathable sleepwear. In some cases, medications to regulate body temperature or address the underlying cause of PV may be prescribed. Regular follow-ups with a healthcare professional are crucial to monitor and adjust treatment plans as needed. (5)