Understanding Posterior Cortical Atrophy: 15 Essential Facts

Fact 5: Cognitive Abilities Can Also Be Affected

Cognitive Abilities Can Also Be Affected

While visual symptoms are at the forefront of PCA, the disorder doesn’t solely limit itself to disrupting the perception of the world around us. As the condition progresses, it often begins to affect other cognitive abilities. However, it’s crucial to note that these additional cognitive challenges usually don’t present themselves until the later stages of the disease.

In the early stages of PCA, the issues primarily revolve around visual tasks. Individuals may struggle with activities like reading, distinguishing objects, or navigating spaces. Yet, their memory and intellectual capabilities may remain largely unaffected. They can remember past events, engage in complex reasoning, and even learn new information. But as the condition progresses, these cognitive domains may gradually begin to deteriorate.

The development and severity of these additional cognitive symptoms can vary widely between individuals. For some, the memory remains relatively preserved until the very late stages of the disease. For others, memory loss may start to manifest earlier on, alongside challenges with attention, problem-solving, and other intellectual functions.

Understanding the potential progression from visual to more general cognitive impairments is vital. It can help individuals with PCA and their caregivers prepare for the future, tailoring their strategies and support systems to accommodate these changes as the disease evolves. (5)

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