2. Chest Pain: The Misleading Mimic of PE

Chest pain in pulmonary embolism is often sharp and acute. It’s not a dull ache; it’s a pain that grabs your attention. This pain can feel like a stabbing sensation in your chest, particularly when you take deep breaths. This isn’t just uncomfortable; it’s alarmingly painful.
This chest pain can be misleading, often mistaken for a heart attack. However, the nature of the pain in PE is distinct. It typically gets worse with breathing or coughing, unlike the constant pain of a heart attack. Recognizing this difference is crucial for appropriate medical response.
In some cases, the pain may radiate to other areas like the jaw, shoulder, or arm. This can further complicate diagnosis, as these are also common symptoms of heart-related issues. But in the case of PE, the key is the connection with breathing and coughing.
If you experience this kind of chest pain, especially if it’s sudden and severe, it’s essential to seek immediate medical attention. Even if you’re unsure of the cause, this symptom is serious enough to warrant a professional evaluation. Don’t wait and see; act quickly. (2)