3. Prolonged Pain After Pressure or Impact

Prolonged pain after pressure or impact is another telling symptom of pulpitis. This type of pain can occur after biting down on something hard or after your tooth has experienced some form of impact. Instead of the pain subsiding shortly after the pressure is relieved, as would typically happen, the pain lingers.
When the dental pulp is inflamed, as is the case with pulpitis, it becomes more sensitive to pressure. The inflamed pulp can’t handle the pressure as well as healthy pulp, resulting in prolonged pain. This pain can last for several minutes or even longer, depending on the severity of the inflammation.
This prolonged pain can significantly impact your ability to eat and chew. You might find yourself avoiding certain foods or chewing on one side of your mouth to avoid triggering the pain. This can lead to an unbalanced diet and uneven wear on your teeth, further complicating your oral health.
If you’re experiencing prolonged pain after pressure or impact, it’s important to seek dental care. A dentist can assess the situation, determine if pulpitis is the cause of your symptoms, and recommend a course of treatment. Addressing the issue sooner rather than later can help prevent further complications and ensure the best possible outcome. (3)