9. Difficulty in Chewing or Biting
If you find yourself wincing in pain every time you try to enjoy a meal, it might be more than just a toothache. Difficulty in chewing or biting is a common yet often overlooked symptom of pulpitis.
The inflammation within the tooth caused by pulpitis can make even the gentlest pressure from biting down a painful ordeal. It’s not just about the soreness; it’s the persistent discomfort that can transform eating from a pleasure to a pain.
When chewing becomes a challenge, it’s tempting to favor one side of the mouth or stick to softer foods. However, this is more of a temporary band-aid than a solution. The problem, if left unaddressed, can escalate.
A dentist can provide a comprehensive examination to pinpoint the issue and recommend a course of action. Whether it’s pulpitis or another dental condition, getting to the root of the problem is crucial. (9)