Understanding Rhinorrhea: Uncovering the Top 10 Causes of a Runny Nose

9. Cold Weather: The Chilly Trigger

Cold Weather The Chilly Trigger

Chilly weather can turn the nose into a drip faucet, an experience almost as common as the cold itself. The cold air is dry and can deplete the moisture in the nasal passages. In response, the body ramps up mucus production to keep the nasal lining moist and prevent it from drying and cracking.

The runny nose we experience in cold weather is essentially a humidifier function of the body, keeping the delicate nasal tissues from becoming too dry. It’s uncomfortable but serves as a protective measure against the harsh elements.

The best approach to managing this type of runny nose is to keep warm and protect the face from the cold. Scarves, face masks, and staying indoors on particularly brisk days can prevent the body from triggering excessive mucus production. (9)

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