Understanding Scarlet Fever in Adults: Key Insights

3. The Strawberry Tongue: A Peculiar Indicator

The Strawberry Tongue A Peculiar Indicator

The “strawberry tongue” is a classic sign of scarlet fever. Initially, the tongue may appear coated with a white layer. After a few days, this coating sheds, revealing a bright red, swollen tongue with prominent taste buds, resembling a strawberry’s surface.

The transformation of the tongue is a progressive symptom. Initially, the white coating may not seem alarming, but as it peels away, the striking redness and swollen bumps become more evident. This change is often accompanied by discomfort or a burning sensation.

The presence of a strawberry tongue, especially alongside a rash and sore throat, is highly indicative of scarlet fever. This symptom aids clinicians in distinguishing scarlet fever from other similar infections, ensuring accurate diagnosis and treatment.

As the infection subsides, the tongue’s appearance gradually returns to normal. Maintaining oral hygiene during this period is essential. Using a soft toothbrush and rinsing with saline can help alleviate discomfort and promote healing. (3)

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