Understanding the Top 10 Symptoms of Buried Bumper Syndrome (BBS)

2. Abnormal Tube Resistance: The Silent Alarm

Abnormal Tube Resistance The Silent Alarm

One of the more subtle signs of BBS is when there’s noticeable resistance while trying to administer feeds or medications via the PEG tube. This isn’t just a minor glitch but could be an indication that the internal bumper has dislodged from its intended position.

However, it’s worth noting that resistance in the tube isn’t always a one-size-fits-all symptom. For some, it might present as a complete inability to push anything through the tube. For others, it might just be intermittent resistance. Yet, both scenarios are equally concerning.

Contrary to what one might think, the tube doesn’t always present visible external changes immediately. The resistance felt could be due to the internal movement of the tube, hinting at the possibility of BBS. Recognizing this early can be a game-changer in addressing the condition effectively. (2)

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