Understanding the Top 10 Symptoms of Buried Bumper Syndrome (BBS)

3. Discomfort and Pain: Beyond the Obvious

Discomfort and Pain Beyond the Obvious

The most obvious symptom that patients might articulate is discomfort or pain around the site of the PEG tube. Now, while initial discomfort post the PEG placement is expected, persistent or escalating pain is a clear indication that something’s amiss.

The pain could range from a dull, continuous ache to sharp, intermittent bursts. It can sometimes be accompanied by a sensation of something being ‘stuck’ or ‘pulled’ from inside. This discomfort isn’t just a fleeting issue but a manifestation of the internal bumper possibly getting buried.

Interestingly, pain isn’t just localized to the PEG tube site. Some patients have reported referred pain, feeling discomfort in areas distant from the tube site. It showcases the complex nature of how our body perceives and responds to distress. (3)

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