Understanding the Top 10 Symptoms of Buried Bumper Syndrome (BBS)

5. Leakage Issues: Not Just a Minor Glitch

Leakage Issues Not Just a Minor Glitch

Another noticeable sign pointing towards Buried Bumper Syndrome is the leakage around the PEG tube site. While minor leakages can sometimes occur, persistent or increasing amounts of gastric content oozing out is a cause for concern.

This isn’t just about the inconvenience of constant cleaning or the risk of skin irritation due to the leakage. It’s an indication that the tube’s internal positioning has been compromised. The seal, which should ideally be tight, starts to loosen, allowing gastric content to seep out.

Interestingly, the leakage might not always be consistent. There might be days with minimal or no leakage, followed by episodes of significant seepage. This intermittent nature can sometimes lead to the misconception that it’s a minor or resolving issue. (5)

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