10. Recurrence Rates: PTC vs. FTC – The Risk of Reprise

Lastly, the potential for cancer recurrence is an important differentiating factor. Recurrence refers to the return of cancer after treatment and after a period of time during which the cancer could not be detected.
PTC has a relatively low recurrence rate, with studies indicating a rate of about 10-20%. When recurrence does happen, it most commonly occurs in the neck region, due to the cancer’s tendency for lymphatic spread.
FTC, however, has a slightly higher recurrence rate than PTC. Recurrences in FTC often present as distant metastasis, rather than localized neck recurrences, due to the hematogenous route of spread typically favored by this type of cancer.
These recurrence patterns underscore the importance of vigilant and appropriate follow-up care for patients who’ve been treated for PTC or FTC, to ensure early detection and treatment of any potential recurrence. (10)