Symptom 9: The Winter Blush – Cold Intolerance

Feeling cold when everyone else is comfortable might not just be a personal preference. Cold intolerance is a symptom of thyroid lymphoma. It’s that feeling of always reaching for a sweater, even when others seem perfectly comfortable.
The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating the body’s temperature. In thyroid lymphoma, this regulation might be disrupted, making individuals more susceptible to cold.
This intolerance might manifest as frequently feeling chilly, especially in the hands and feet. It could also be the need for warmer clothing compared to others in the same environment. This constant battle with cold can be bothersome, impacting daily life.
While this symptom can be discomforting, it can also prompt a search for answers. This search might unveil the underlying cause – a malfunctioning thyroid due to lymphoma, disrupting the body’s temperature regulation. (9)