Symptom 10: Intolerance to Cold or Heat

Feeling too cold or too warm when others feel comfortable could be a sign of a thyroid tumor. The thyroid gland plays a key role in regulating your body’s metabolism, which in turn influences your body’s temperature. If a tumor disrupts the gland’s functioning, it can lead to an intolerance to cold or heat.
If you’re always reaching for a sweater when others feel just right, or if you feel excessively warm when everyone else is comfortable, it might be a signal that something is not right with your thyroid gland. This intolerance to cold or heat may be accompanied by sweaty or clammy skin, even in mild temperatures.
Experiencing intolerance to temperature changes in isolation may not necessarily point to a thyroid tumor. However, when this symptom is seen in conjunction with others on this list, a comprehensive check-up would be advisable.
As with other symptoms, a diagnosis often involves physical examinations, blood tests to measure hormone levels, and imaging tests to check for a tumor. If a thyroid tumor is the cause, treating the tumor can help normalize your body’s temperature regulation and alleviate this symptom. (10)