Symptom 5: Mood Swings

Experiencing sudden, intense mood swings can be an indication of a thyroid tumor. The hormones produced by the thyroid gland play a significant role in regulating our mood and overall sense of well-being. Consequently, any imbalances caused by a tumor can disrupt this equilibrium, resulting in mood changes.
If you find yourself swinging from feelings of intense joy to deep sadness without any apparent cause, it might be a signal that something is amiss with your thyroid gland. It’s easy to attribute such changes to stress or hormonal shifts, but when these mood swings are paired with other symptoms, it’s important not to dismiss them lightly.
Thyroid-related mood changes can manifest as depression, anxiety, or irritability. Some people might notice a decrease in their motivation levels or a general sense of discontentment. It’s essential to understand that these mood changes are a symptom of the underlying condition and not a character flaw or weakness.
Identifying the cause of these mood swings usually involves a physical examination, a thorough review of your medical history, and blood tests to measure thyroid hormone levels. If a thyroid tumor is indeed causing these mood swings, treatments can help regulate hormone levels and manage this symptom effectively. (5)