Symptom 6: Difficulty Swallowing

If you’ve noticed that swallowing has become a challenge, or if you feel a choking sensation, a thyroid tumor might be the culprit. A tumor in the thyroid gland can exert pressure on the esophagus, the tube that connects your throat and stomach, causing difficulty while swallowing.
This symptom might present itself while eating, drinking, or even swallowing saliva. It could range from mild discomfort to a noticeable struggle while swallowing. As the tumor grows, the pressure on the esophagus increases, worsening the symptom.
However, difficulty swallowing is a symptom common to many conditions, including throat infections, esophageal disorders, and certain neurological conditions. Therefore, experiencing this symptom alone should not cause undue worry, but if it persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, seeking medical advice is prudent.
Diagnosing the cause of this symptom might include an endoscopy, barium swallow study, or imaging tests like a CT scan or ultrasound. If a thyroid tumor is causing this symptom, treatments such as surgery, radiation therapy, or hormone therapy can help alleviate the symptom and address the underlying cause. (6)