Symptom 8: Hair Loss

Unexplained hair loss is another symptom associated with thyroid tumors. Your hair’s growth cycle is intricately linked with the hormones produced by your thyroid gland. A tumor that affects this hormone production can disrupt your hair’s normal growth cycle, leading to hair loss.
If you’re noticing more hair than usual on your brush or pillow, or if your hair is thinning, it could be a sign of a thyroid issue. The hair loss may not be limited to your scalp and could affect other areas such as eyebrows or body hair.
However, hair loss can occur due to various reasons, including stress, aging, hormonal changes, or certain medications. If hair loss is the only symptom you’re experiencing, a thyroid tumor may not be the likely cause. But if it’s paired with other symptoms on this list, seeking medical consultation would be a wise step.
Diagnosis often involves a detailed examination of your hair, scalp, and nails, blood tests to check hormone levels, and imaging tests to visualize the thyroid gland. If a thyroid tumor is the underlying cause, treating the tumor can help manage the hair loss effectively. (8)