Understanding TMD: 10 Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

Symptom 8: Headaches or Migraines

Headaches or Migraines

The riddle of TMD continues with a symptom that often leaves individuals puzzled – headaches or migraines. At first glance, the connection between a jaw dysfunction and a throbbing head might seem tenuous. But delve deeper, and the link becomes clear. The temporomandibular joint is part of a complex network of muscles, nerves, and bones. A dysfunction in one part can reverberate throughout the system.

TMD-related headaches often mimic tension headaches. The pain, usually starting at the temples, can radiate to the forehead and the back of the head. The constant strain on the jaw muscles, especially the ones extending to the temples, is a significant contributor to this pain. Additionally, the act of clenching the jaw or grinding the teeth, both common among TMD sufferers, can exacerbate these headaches.

In some individuals, the headaches escalate to migraines. The intense, pulsating pain, often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light or sound, can be debilitating. While the exact trigger for migraines in TMD patients isn’t always clear, the strain on the jaw and the surrounding structures is a likely contributor.(8)

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